Element has assisted companies in meeting EMC commercial testing standards and regulations in nearly 200 countries for over 30 years. We help export and sell your electrical and electronic commercial products globally, 开拓新市场, 推动增长.



How can a manufacturer determine if their product will interfere with other electrical equipment or be affected by such interference in its intended environment? This is a common issue that can lead to your product malfunctioning or failing to meet user expectations, 在某些情况下, posing safety risks to your product or adjacent products.

To safeguard your product against these disruptions and prevent potential interference, 进行EMC测试至关重要. This ensures your product meets regulatory requirements and operates seamlessly in its intended environment.



To ensure that your product or device complies with regulations and maintains its performance under electromagnetic interference (EMI) and disturbances, testing is typically conducted in an anechoic or semi-anechoic test chamber. 这个特别的房间, 类似于复杂的法拉第笼, is lined with tiles and absorbers to create a clean environment free from electromagnetic (EM) or radio frequency (RF) interference.

For the remaining susceptibility tests, a somewhat less complex shielded room can be used. These environments are equipped with a wide range of specialist and appropriately calibrated test equipment. They also have support equipment for monitoring and controlling your product, as well as supporting any wireless functionality during testing. This comprehensive setup enables the series of emissions and immunity tests to be conducted effectively.




是否是一种产品, a system, 或者印刷电路板, 基本的EMC原则保持不变. 找出如何应用这些关键原则.


FCC Part 15消费者A类 & B类设备 

Instruction manuals for consumer Class A and Class B EMC devices to FCC Part 15 guidelines. Include the right instructions for the right product types. READ MORE


Our EMC laboratories offer market-leading capacity for testing and certifying electrical devices for a diverse range of commercial products, 包括:

  • 资讯科技及办公设备
  • 多媒体及视听设备
  • 电信设备
  • 无线电通信设备
  • 医疗设备
  • Laboratory, test and measurement, and control equipment
  • 汽车 equipment (including agricultural equipment)
  • 铁路设备
  • 船用设备
  • 消费电子产品



我们的EMC测试工程师提供 咨询服务 to support and guide you when you need it most – at an early stage of your product development.  Early identification of regulatory EMC requirements for your commercial products reduces the number of tests prior to certification, 节省你的金钱和时间. 



Element's EMC测试实验室 in the US and UK are accredited and approved by NVLAP, A2LA, and UKAS, as well as ISO 9001:2008. 我们也是一个公告机构 电磁兼容指令, and an Approved Body in respect to the UK EMC Regulation.

Our state-of-the-art EMC testing facilities are equipped with fully anechoic, 半消声和混响室以及 HIRF (高强度辐射场), and can cater for anything from small implantable devices to heavy machinery and vehicles. For large installations simply too big or difficult to relocate, 我们也可以提供现场测试服务.

EMI/EMC testing is just one part of Element's complete testing solutions for safety, 合规, 以及国内认证. 我们的服务包括但不限于 环境模拟、机械、 safety, structural, operational, functional, and performance testing. 

你是否想优化你的新产品, 获得特定国家认证, or test your product for electromagnetic emissions or immunity, we can help you select the right method for test requirements.  

For more information about our EMC commercial testing services, or to request a quote, im体育APP today. 

  • IEC / EN61000-4-x系列
  • IEC / EN61000-6-x系列
  • IEC / EN61000-3-2&3
  • IEC / EN61326-x系列
  • IEC / EN55022/32
  • IEC / EN55011
  • IEC / EN55024/35
  • IEC / EN50121-x系列
  • EN301 489-x系列
  • IEC / EN60601系列
  • IEC / EN60945
  • CISPR 11
  • CISPR 12
  • CISPR赔率
  • CISPR比分
  • CISPR 15
  • CISPR 24/35
  • CISPR 25
  • CISPR 22/32
  • FCC CFR47 part 15和part 18
  • ICES-003
  • gr - 1089核心




We work with everyone from Chipset Vendors to those integrating radio modules to enable you to deliver your wireless radio products to market.

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Telecoms and Wireless Electronics Testing 640 x 480 March-2018


Element has over 50 years' experience in working with many leading telecoms companies of the world, from the initial product design phase of their products to support them through the testing and approval of telecoms components and help them take their product to the global market.

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Our medical device regulatory affairs experts partner with electronic medical device manufacturers from the design conception, identifying appropriate testing standards for their products.

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Element products a full suite of EMC and certification services to ensure that your multimedia equipment complies with EN 55032/35和CISPR 32/35 standards, 并进入全球市场.

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EMC emissions and immunity testing for lab equipment 640x480


Our EMC labs in North America and Europe are fully equipped to test for all products covered by the scope of the standards, 包括国际EMC标准IEC 61326.

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EMC Rail 640x480

EN 50121铁路电磁兼容测试

Our railway EMC services include advice on testing requirements, in-lab, 现场和现场测试, 并通过EN 50121系列标准认证.

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Our test facilities for both EMC and environmental provide a comprehensive portfolio of tests to ensure that whatever your marine equipment is and wherever it's locations, 我们有满足您需求的测试解决方案.

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消费电子产品测试 & 认证

Element’s consumer electronics testing and certification services help your products meet EMC, 电气安全, 和国家广播电台 & 全球需求.

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Element’s automotive EMC testing services ensure the safety and compatibility of your electric components, 系统和组件.

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我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, Europe, 中东地区, Australia, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.