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了解我们的 从事专家

詹姆斯·丹尼尔斯是im体育APP在英国的Connected Technologies业务总经理, 目前负责我们船体的运营, 科梅达, 莫尔文, 温伯恩和牛津实验室.

Almost all manufacturers providing electrical and electronic products or components for use in the 欧洲an Union are required, 根据CE标志法例, 符合EMC指令2014/30/EU.

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing assesses how an electronic device functions when exposed to electromagnetic interference and whether the electromagnetic disturbances produced by the device are within permissible levels.



当寻求证明遵守指令时, im体育APP frequently sees a disconnect between the way manufacturers think this can be addressed, 以及必须完成哪些工作以显示尽职的现实. 

根据我们的经验, we estimate that four out of five manufacturers are still approaching the process based on the outdated requirements of the previous EMC Directive. Understanding which directive to comply with and what 统一的标准 will support it is critical to obtaining a presumption of conformity.

“4 out of 5 manufacturers are still approaching the process based on the outdated requirements of the previous EMC Directive.”


合规过程应该始终从全面的风险分析开始. Many of the hazards identified in a risk assessment will be covered by applying an appropriate harmonized standard. 然而, 因为并不是所有的危险都会被覆盖, the application of a harmonized standard on its own is not always sufficient for demonstrating compliance with either the EMC Directive or the EMC requirements of the 无线电设备指令(RED).

The manufacturer has a duty to select and apply the most appropriate harmonized standard(s) and determine if the standard is fully adequate for the product and its environment or if the product requires additional tests before it can be placed on the market.

The risk assessment enables the manufacturer to marry the risks with the appropriate harmonized standard(s) and establish what additional tests might be necessary for any risks not covered.



为确保最佳实践方法 欧盟委员会EMC指令2014/30/EU指南 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility can be a useful tool to avoid any ambiguities, particularly regarding additional duties that may not have been required under the previous directive.

EMC指令2014/30/EU在欧盟官方刊物上发布. Article 14 of the Directive advises that the manufacturer may choose to restrict the application of the EU-type examination (Annex III) procedure to some aspects of the essential requirements, providing that for other aspects of the essential requirements the Internal 产品ion Control (Annex II) procedure is applied.

阅读最新的更新 EMC指令2014 30 eu 统一的标准.



如果制造商识别出未涵盖的危险, 下一步是询问需要采取什么行动来降低风险. This means either looking at other standards for an appropriate test that can be adapted or designing a completely new test suitable for the product. 这些额外的测试可以记录在技术文档中, 也称为技术文件, 与欧盟符合性声明并列并支持该声明. 

重要的是要记住,该指令是非技术性的, 在EMC的情况下, 基本要求是设备应如此设计和制造, 考虑到技术水平的, 确保:

a) the electromagnetic disturbance generated does not exceed the level above which radio and telecommunications equipment or other equipment cannot operate as intended.

b) it has a level of immunity to the electromagnetic disturbance to be expected in its intended use, 允许其运行而不会对其预期用途产生不可接受的退化.



统一标准是支持降低风险的方便方法, but it is possible to comply with a harmonized standard and still fail to meet the essential requirements of the Directive.

制造商获得了很大的灵活性和自主权, 包括使用他们自己的测试来证明遵从性的能力, 这就意味着 EMC风险评估 是至关重要的.

制造商需要充分审查和了解产品的预期操作环境, considering both the end-user performance requirements and the electromagnetic environment to determine the appropriate tests and limits.

Only by assessing these factors is it possible to identify the right tests to ensure the product is fit for purpose.

“标准往往包含妥协, the application of 统一的标准 may not allow for climatic influences or degradation of the product over its entire service life. 在应用标准所涵盖的频率范围时,也可能存在差距. 出于这些原因, EMC风险评估在支持EMC测试和评估方法方面是非常宝贵的, 你的合格声明.”




在评估预期的EMC环境时, 必须考虑产品的潜在使用和潜在误用. 例如, 协调标准通常假设一个电磁环境, 比如家庭, 工业, 或医学. 

It may be assumed, for example, that a laptop is going to be used in a home or office environment. 然而, 如果最终用户决定在其他地方使用它(例如, on a train) or in a different way than intended (such as a diagnostic tool in a factory setting) then the EMC environment will be very different and supplementary or increased levels of testing should be considered.

  • 产品可能会干扰什么? 
  • 什么可能会干扰产品? 

Tests that will answer these questions are often carried out in-house at other stages of the design and manufacturing process. 仍然, it is vital that the manufacturer understands how to apply and use these tests to comply with the Directive, 必要时寻求专家帮助.



It is also critical to consider what other non-EMC testing and 欧洲an standards might be necessary. 记住,指令是关于功能的. 它不评估安全,包括电磁安全. 这是由其他覆盖的 CE标志 指令,例如 低电压指令 (LVD),机械安全,以及 医疗器械指令.

将无线功能添加到产品中将进一步增加测试过程的维度, 由于该产品现在被官方认定为“无线电设备”,必须进行相应的处理. Compliance needs to be demonstrated to the 无线电设备指令(RED) rather than the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU, 无线电标准优先,使测试更加复杂.



最具成本效益的方法 EMI、EMC测试及认证 is always to consider testing to EMC Directive 2014/30/EU as early as possible in the development cycle.

另外, combining the tests into a single program can also provide significant benefits to the manufacturer, 减少时间和成本,使产品能够更快地进入市场.



im体育APP can help design a test suite to include a combination of directives or other industry-specified tests. 除了立法测试, 制造商经常需要遵守额外的合同EMC测试 汽车, 国防, 航空航天 im体育平台app下载. 我们的EMC技术专家拥有广泛的im体育平台app下载特定规范.

如果您想了解更多有关电磁兼容性(EMC)测试要求的信息, 请 im体育APP的专家 今天.

找到相关的 资源






Find out how im体育APP delivers electromagnetic compatibility testing (EMC) solutions to RTCA/DO-160, MIL-STD-461和Def-Stan 59-411标准.



im体育APP, 我们每年测试数千种产品, having one of the largest capacities for electromagnetic (EMC) testing of commercial and 工业 electronic devices.



im体育APP’s 汽车 EMC testing services ensure the 安全 and compatibility of your electric components, 系统和组件.



im体育APP是EMC测试的理想合作伙伴, 安全, I类认证和全球批准, II和III电子医疗设备.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.