
IEC 62368-1:2018指南

什么是IEC 62368-1:2018?

IEC 62368-1:2018是一个标准 产品安全 能源分类标准, prescribes safeguards against those energy sources, and provides 指导 on the application of, 和要求, 这些保障措施. The prescribed safeguards are intended to reduce the likelihood of pain, 因火灾造成的人身伤害和财产损失.

本标准适用于音频领域内的电气和电子设备的安全, video, 信息与通信技术, and business and office machines with a rated voltage not exceeding 600 V. 

The situation in 欧洲 and with CE Marking

EN IEC 62368-1:2020 was published as an ‘EN’ standard on 06 January 2021, 取代EN 62368-1:2014. 然而, 对EN IEC 62368-1:2020的参考尚未在欧盟官方公报(OJEU)上发表,因此不提供低电压指令(LVD)的符合性推定(PoC)。, 或任何其他联盟协调, 或“CE标志”, 立法. 

因此, EN 62368-1:2014 is still published in the OJEU offering PoC to the Low Voltage Directive, 到2022年6月, 没有列出这个PoC的结束日期. 

EN IEC 62368-1:2020的CENELEC网站表明,它将被基于标准的EN IEC 62368-1:2022所取代, 然而un-published, 版4.IEC 62368-1的0. 虽然预计在2023年1月, it is not clear when EN IEC 62368-1:2022 will be published in the OJEU under the LVD.


Technical changes which may affect manufacturers

IEC 62368-1:2018的第三版取消并取代了2014年发布的第二版,并构成了技术修订. The notable technical changes in respect to the previous edition include:


虽然范围基本保持不变, large equipment installed in restricted access areas is now also covered, although additional requirements may apply to equipment having large machinery aspects. 然而, 本范围明确不适用于带有非自成一体危险活动部件的设备, 比如机器人设备. 个人护理 robots are also not covered by the standard.

该范围还规定了IEC 62368-3(通过通信电缆和端口进行直流电力传输的安全方面)的应用, 现在要求设备具有通过常用通信电缆提供直流电源的能力, 例如USB或以太网(PoE). 应当指出,CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1:19 & UL 62368-1, Ed. No. 3、包含国家差异(1DV).2.3)修改这一要求.

额外的需求 for outdoor equipment (Annex Y)

额外的需求, which are specifically relating to construction requirements for outdoor enclosures, 已列于附件Y. 整体, 这与IEC 60950-22户外ITE相同,反映了目前的实践,但要求是以危害为基础的. 

These include general requirements; requirements for resistance to UV radiation; UV light conditioning test; resistance to corrosion; 气体kets; protection of equipment within an outdoor enclosure, including protection from moisture and dust; and mechanical strength of enclosures.

New requirements for optical radiation (Clause 10.4)


As many of the requirements have been derived from the horizontal standards, they are not expected to cause a major impact to manufacturers.

Addition of requirements for insulating liquids (4.4.4, 5.4.12, 6.4.9)

虽然该标准仍然没有解决使用绝缘液体作为基本的替代品, 补充或加强绝缘, it does now contain requirements where an insulating liquid displaces air comprising a safeguard. 


条款5.4.12 addresses the use of liquids as an insulator to protect against electrically caused injury. The clause requires the liquid to not break down due to overvoltages, 包括瞬变, 进入设备, and peak voltages that may be generated within the equipment. 

The requirements around pressure relief and containment of hazardous substances, 对于液体的容器, 也在第5条中提到.4.12.4. 

应该注意的是,漏电和间隙距离要求适用于有绝缘液体存在或不存在的设备, and the loss of the insulating liquid needs to be considered as an abnormal operating condition.


Addition of requirements for work cells (

工作单元被定义为“设备内的一个空间,其大小可以使人完全或部分进入(例如, (整个肢体或头部)用于维修或操作设备以及可能存在机械危险的地方。. Requirements for work cells have been introduced in clause, however these are consistent with those in IEC 60950-23 covering Large Data Storage Equipment, so should not take manufacturers by surprise.

保护工作单元中的人员的措施是通过使用联锁等保护措施防止接近危险(3类)移动或其他部分来实现的, 障碍, 信号, 程序和培训.

Protective mechanisms may be overridden by skilled persons, 在符合8.

Addition of requirements for wireless power transmitters (9.6)

条款9.6 has been introduced to address the thermal hazards associated with wireless power transmitters (e.g. 近场无线充电器, resulting from the heating of foreign metallic objects placed near the transmitter. 测试要求在充电过程中与变送器接触的外来金属物体不超过70°C.

Addition of requirements for fully insulated winding wire (FIW) (G.5.3.4)

条款G的引入.5.3.4, allows transformers with FIW to be used in equipment within the scope of this standard. The requirements are similar to those introduced by AMD1:2013 of IEC 61558-2-16:2009, which allows the use of FIW wires in switch mode power supplies (SMPS).  

Alternative method for determination of top, 底部和侧面开口 for fire enclosures (

顶部要求, 防火罩的底部和侧面开口已进行了修订,使其更符合60950-1先前的要求, including the reintroduction of the side openings requirements. 先前版本62368(2014)中的要求导致一些先前符合60950-1的产品出现问题. 为了使标准的应用更加一致,还作出了一些澄清, 包括什么构成顶部, 底部和侧面开口, and to help identify the applicable requirements and testing. 解决防火围栏完整性的要求和合规标准保持不变. 

Alternative requirements for sound pressure (10.6)

防止长期暴露于个人音乐播放器的过大声压级的防护要求, earphones and headphones are specified in clause 10.6. 
第10条介绍了基于剂量的系统,以降低个人接收的声能水平,而不会危及他们的听力.6.3. 该系统旨在将计算声剂量(CSD)限制在80 dB以下,持续时间最长为40小时, through 指导 and warnings to the user. Requirements to limit the momentary exposure level (MEL) are also provided in clause

Compliance can be achieved using either 10.6.2或新引入的方法在10.6.3. 然而, the standard encourages manufacturers to implement 10.6.3, as it is expected that this will be the only method of compliance available in the future. 


Whilst the above represents the most notable changes to the standard, it is not an exhaustive list. Other clauses have also been amended to a greater or lesser extent, 产品将需要重新测试,以确保它们符合最新版本的IEC 62368的要求. 这些包括:

  • 4.1.6 运输和使用过程中的定位
  • 5.5.6 电阻 
  • 5.8 Backfeed safeguard in battery backed up supplies
  • 6.4.5 PS2电路中火势蔓延的控制
  • 6.4.6 PS3电路中火势蔓延的控制
  • 距离分离  
  • 6.5.1 内外配线
  • 6.5.3 插座的内部接线 
  • 8.6.1 设备稳定性 
  • 9.3 触摸温度限制 
  • 9.4 防止热能来源的防护措施 
  • 附件年代.2 Flammability test for fire enclosure and fire barrier integrity 
  • 附件X Alternative method for determining clearances for insulation in circuits connected to an a.c. mains not exceeding 420 V peak (300 V RMS)

IEC 62368-1:2018 - What do manufacturers need to do?

制造商需要审查其文件,以确保其产品经过最新版本的IEC 62368-1:2018测试,并在相关情况下进行额外测试,以使其达到当前标准并确保合规性. It may also be necessary to update technical documentation, test results and declarations to reflect the new standard and demonstrate conformity to 立法.


im体育APP可以帮助制造商确定他们是否需要进行任何额外的测试,并确保他们拥有所有的法规遵从性证据, 包括技术文件, 确保持续的合规.

For more information on IEC 62368-1:2018 and support in checking if your product is compliant, 请 im体育APP的专家.

找到相关的 资源


General 产品 Safety Directive GPSD (2001/95/EC)

一般产品安全gsd (2001/95/EC) & GPSR(欧盟/ 2023/988)

im体育APP为您提供了测试, 指导, 建议, 并支持满足通用产品安全指令GPSD (2001/95/EC)和最新的通用产品安全法规GPSR EU(2023/988)的要求。. 


电气产品安全测试, Why Do So Many 产品s Fail?

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