证明合规, with im体育APP’s complete range of fire testing services for building materials. Combining  extensive expertise, 多种测试方法, and strategically located labs, 我们量身定制的程序有助于确保您符合法规要求,并确保您的产品适合其最终应用目的.

What is fire testing of building materials and why do I need it?

建筑材料的防火测试是评估产品承受火灾的能力以及查看不同材料如何影响火焰的关键过程, heat and smoke spread during a fire event. 防火测试标准和建筑规范对于制造具有安全设计和材料的产品以保护最终用户至关重要. 不符合易燃性测试要求会危及公共安全,也会限制或阻止市场准入. 您从建筑材料的防火测试中获得的洞察力可以帮助您避免使用不适合用途的材料和/或产品. im体育APP的建筑材料防火测试服务有利于研究和开发, 质量控制, or demonstrating a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Key benefits of conducting fire testing on your building products

  • Modern Laboratories and Comprehensive Test Offering: 我们对卓越的承诺体现在我们对最先进技术的投资上, 控制实验室. 与im体育APP, 您可以访问一套全面的服务,仔细检查材料燃烧行为的各个方面, from ignition and resistance through to extinguishing.
  • Stay Compliant with Regulations: 火 safety isn't limited by borders, nor are our tailored test plans. 覆盖,, BS, 可以, 喧嚣声, EN, ISO, 美国, 和UL, we ensure your materials meet the stringent standards required globally. 
  • Mitigate Risk and Boost Trust: 建筑材料的防火测试对于降低与使用不符合要求的材料相关的极端风险至关重要. These tests provide certainty, ensuring the safety of lives and investments, 并向客户提供最终的保证,即在发生火灾时,委托的材料将按预期运行. im体育APP在进行这些测试时的精度和可靠性是对建筑材料性能信任的基础.
  • Uphold Industry Best Practices: Trust isn't just a sentiment; it's evidence-based. 我们的勤奋, adherence to a wide range of standards, 针对各种可能性的测试证明了您对im体育平台app下载最佳实践的承诺.
  • Tailored Test Programs: We recognize that one size doesn't fit all. Our test programs are designed with you and your project in mind. With flexible schedules and the ability to scale, we work with you to make the testing process a seamless part of your journey.
  • 安全保证: 我们通过超出理论范围的测试来验证您的产品是否适合其预期用途, ensuring real-world reliability in the face of unexpected fire events. 
  • Passive 火 Protection Specialists: As specialists in passive fire protection products, 我们确保您的材料经过严格的最终用途测试.

Tailored solutions for unique products

你目前正在管理一个涉及非标准材料或设计im体育APP的项目吗? 我们了解每个项目所面临的独特挑战,并可以为您提供支持,确保您的建筑产品的防火测试不在其中. 我们广泛的测试实验室配备了最先进的技术, 由各自领域的专家操作,他们可以帮助您开发定制的测试计划,以满足您的特定需求. Whether it is unconventional materials, 复杂的应用程序, or specialized parameters, 我们可以支持你. 

Navigating complex regulatory requirements

在建筑im体育平台app下载不断变化的消防安全环境中导航可能是一项艰巨的任务, especially with evolving fire standards and technologies. For those involved in delayed or long-term projects, it becomes essential to future-proof fire safety measures. 凭借我们专业的消防im体育平台app下载专家团队,im体育APP可以提供有价值的解决方案. 我们的专家拥有广泛的知识和对该领域最新标准和技术的深刻理解. By partnering with im体育APP, 您可以确保您的项目保持有效,并符合法规和产品的未来发展. 这种积极主动的方法不仅可以帮助您满足复杂的法规要求,还可以让您放心,您的消防安全措施将经受住时间的考验.

Services and capabilities


  • 防火门
  • 防火玻璃
  • 分离的im体育APP
  • 防火产品
  • 吊顶
  • 钢梁
  • Loadbearing and non-loadbearing elements
  • 快门组件
  • 导管 & 阻尼器
  • 有线电视系统 & 相关的组件
  • 排烟 & 通风管道
  • 烟幕 & 组件
  • 肿大的海豹

In addition to fire resistance testing, we offer reaction to fire testing to the following procedures: 

  • Surface flammability using 施泰纳隧道试验
  • Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate using 锥形量热法
  • Critical radiant flux using the Flooring 辐射板测试ing
  • Non-combustibility testing
  • Smolder resistance testing
  • Large scale room reference test for surface products
  • 可燃性
  • Flame spread, dripping test
  • Single Burning Item (SBI)
  • Horizontal surface spread of flame of floor-coverings
  • Determination of the Gross Heat Of Combustion (Calorific Value)
  • Flammability of materials
  • Combustion of Plastics (Oxygen Index) Oxygen-Index-Test (LOI)
  • 火 Behavior of Building Materials, im体育APPs and Components
  • 烟发展
  • 火焰传播
  • 火焰表面蔓延
  • Roofing Test with Burning Brands, 风 and Supplementary Radiant Heat
  • External 火 Exposure of Roofs and Roof Coverings
  • Room Corner Test for Wall and Ceiling Lining 产品s
  • 火 Tests for Evaluating Contribution of Wall and Ceiling Interior Finish
  • Thermal Insulating Materials for Building Applications


When you partner with im体育APP, you choose a globally trusted testing partner. BELAC, ISO 17025, NATA和UKAS认证支持我们在国际范围内的可靠性. Our comprehensive fire testing services, state-of-the-art laboratories, 专门的专家, 严格遵守国际标准,确保您的建筑材料经过严格的防火安全评估. 

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, 从混凝土等建筑材料的不燃性测试到室内装饰材料的防火测试. With tailored on-site testing programs, failure analysis investigations, and consulting services, 我们确保我们测试的材料不仅符合建筑规范,而且为您的项目提供安心. im体育APP is more than a testing service; we are your trusted partner in fire safety, offering the expertise and technology to deliver reliable testing solutions. For more information about im体育APP, please visit our 关于我们 page.

如果您准备好讨论我们如何帮助您进行建筑材料的防火测试, 不要犹豫 im体育APP with your requirements today. 


纺织品和薄膜的火焰传播:可以/ULC-S109和美国 701防火测试的比较分析

通过比较可以/ULC-S109和美国 701测试方法,了解材料对火的反应. im体育官方app下载

Cone Calorimeter 测试

了解火灾反应和材料产生烟雾的指南. 锥形量热计是目前最先进的测试方法,用于评估材料和产品在暴露于辐射热损伤时的行为.


施泰纳隧道试验: reaction-to-fire testing on interior finish materials

了解斯坦纳隧道测试的指南以及ASTM E84和可以/ULC-S102之间的差异. im体育官方app下载


A guide to understanding the critical radiant flux of flooring materials. 建筑物走廊或出口使用的地板材料必须进行易燃性测试,以了解它们对火灾蔓延的影响. 

making certain for nearly 190 years




Learn about reaction-to-fire testing on interior finish materials. ASTM E84与可以/ULC-S102斯坦纳隧道试验差异白皮书.

Building Materials 测试

Building Materials 测试

im体育APP提供了一套完整的建筑材料测试,以确保材料在应用中是安全的, compliant and ultimately fit for purpose.



Learn about im体育APP's 辐射板试验, the determination of the relative critical radiant flux, and the common standard methods of test ASTM E648 and 美国 253.

Furniture Flammability 测试

Furniture Flammability 测试

im体育APP provides furniture flammability testing against CAL TB 117, 美国 260, and other standards to ensure your product is fit for purpose and safe to use.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.