Bs en 14181 is a 欧洲an st和ard that encompasses the calibration, 测试, 和 overall performance of Continuous Emissions Monitoring 系统s (CEMS). 我们的团队每年进行EN 14181维护和年度监控测试,以确保所有质量保证水平的安全和合规操作. 

什么是EN 14181?

EN 14181描述了确保CEMs(用于测量大气排放)符合与测量值不确定度相关的严格要求所需的质量保证程序. 在EN 14181中定义了4个质量保证级别,详见下文. 


Why choose im体育APP for EN 14181 calibration 和 测试?

我们专门的排放监测小组进行的此类测试比英国或爱尔兰的任何其他公司都多. With over 350 EN 14181 campaigns each year we have gained a massive amount of valuable, 现实世界的, practical experience able to deal with every scenario that may arise.

Our vast experience in delivering CEMS measurements that are representative 和 accurate, 使您确信您的CEMS是可靠的,并以高标准运行,以符合法规. 

If a CEMS isn't performing accurately, our experts will source the issue 和 advise you on the best course of action. 我们提供培训课程,详细了解CEMS管理的最佳实践. Additionally, we offer 临时河北 在系统意外崩溃后消除不合规风险的解决方案. 

For more information 和 to speak with our experts, including 马克-艾略特 和 詹姆斯·埃尔德里奇立即im体育APP.

Video: Learn more about Bs en 14181

im体育APP开发了我们的技术卓越中心,特别是针对EN 14181工作,旨在建立一套明确的im体育平台app下载领先的最佳实践,并作为一个知识中心,集中我们所有的专业知识和实用知识,以提供准确的服务, robust support 和 advice to our clients.

EN 14181非常复杂且至关重要,您可以信赖我们值得信赖的专家,他们会提供最好的以客户为中心的帮助,指导您从头到尾完成整个过程.



Senior technical advisor - im体育APP environmental






QAL2 involves the use of EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited 测试 laboratories, such as im体育APP Materials 技术, to produce a set of comparable data results alongside the operating CEMs.

This quality assurance procedure is used for the determination igf calibration functions, 可变性, 和 establishing calibration ranges applicable to the function.




QAL3 demonstrates ongoing Quality Assurance 和 Quality Control of the CEMS. QAL3 is different from QAL2 和 AST as it is conducted on a routine basis (e.g. 每周, 每两周或每月一次),通常由操作人员进行,以证明CEMS已受到控制,并继续正常运作.



年度系统测试(ast)每年在任何QAL2之后进行,通常被认为是“迷你QAL2”。. AST决定在QAL2期间建立的校准函数是否仍然有效,以及相关范围是否可以在更大的数据传播后扩展. Although similar to QAL2, AST ‘parallel measurements’ are reduced to a minimum of 5 over a minimum of 1 day. Whereas QAL2 requires a minimum of 15 ‘parallel measurements’ spread across 3 days.


EN 14181 Training Courses

We deliver tailored Training Courses either on your site, online or at one of our im体育APP Laboratories. The course takes you through an EN 14181 campaign from start to finish, best practices around planning the 测试, communications with CEMS manufacturers, the intricacies around the paired measurements, 河北数据, calibration functions 和 much more.



im体育APPs技术卓越中心团队定期进行线性检查,以根据EN 14181评估CEM的线性性能.  这通常以每日排放限值的2倍或短期排放限值进行.   We hold ISO 17025 certified calibration 气体 with an uncertainty of < 2%.   线性度测量值有时可以用作建立校准函数的替代数据.  The 线性检查 are conducted by passing concentrations at zero, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%的范围, 和 a final zero again. We also determine the T90 response time 和 various other checks required.


The im体育APP advantage

im体育APP是No.1 supplier of ISO 17025 UKAS-MCERTS Accredited Air Emissions 测试 in the UK & 爱尔兰.  我们拥有12个办事处和近50个团队,我们的当地专家随时准备为您提供帮助. Our unique advantages include:

  • 安全理念-我们为我们的安全记录和零伤害文化感到自豪,这是由每个团队成员推动的
  • 业界领先的专家和MCERTS认证的现场团队,以确保最高质量的测试
  • Two dedicated workshops to calibrate, repair 和 performance check our large pool of sampling equipment, instruments 和 analysers.
  • In-House im体育APP Laboratories for analysis of samples including metals, mercury, dioxins & furans, acid 气体es 和 more.
  • e-Mission digital portal 管理所有方面的许可证遵守情况,包括动态保存的排放数据,以跟踪和趋势你的结果.

环境 测试 和 Compliance Content

Discover our environmental thought leadership content including articles, 白皮书, case studies 和 FAQs.

Written by our industry experts, 我们探索了一系列与我们如何帮助客户遵守环境法规和维护安全运营相关的实验室和现场主题.


Underst和ing the Latest EN 14181 Flow Requirements

The revision to the Environment Agency’s MID for EN 16911-2, released in early 2024, 对EN 14181体积流速和速度的QAL2和AST测试进行了重大更改. 

Read this article authored by im体育APP's Operations Manager, 詹姆斯·埃尔德里奇 获取最新的建议和技术指导,以支持您的CEMS合规.

Bs en 14181 flow requirement


Stack Emissions 测试

Stack Emissions 测试

了解我们的烟囱排放测试服务如何帮助我们的客户防止暴露, 减少排放, 改善空气质素,并使其营运的工业设施符合法例规定.

CEMS emissions monitoring

临时河北 Emissions Monitoring

工业场地遇到意外的CEMS排放测量仪器故障, 我们的团队将根据您的监控需求和流程快速设计CEMS恢复计划.

Air Dispersion 建模

Air Dispersion 建模

空气扩散模型计算天气模式和当地地形,以预测由排放源引起的地面排放浓度. 了解更多.

能源 from waste plant environmental compliance

能源 from Waste Plant Services

im体育APP提供端到端的服务,支持垃圾焚烧处理营办商采取所有环境和污染控制措施. Our UKAS-MCERTS accredited stack emissions monitoring,

Emissions Biogenic Carbon 14 Monitoring

Biogenic Carbon 14 Emissions Monitoring

了解更多 about our OFGEM approved Biogenic Carbon 14 Measurement services, used to determine the renewable energy content of waste-derived fuels.

Acoustic Camera Survey

环境 Impact Assessments

im体育APP’s industry experts provide environmental impact assessments for air quality, 噪音, 和振动, which must be closely considered through the planning process.

环境 Compliance 测试

环境 Compliance & 安全



Leak Detection 和 Repair (LDAR)



我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.