im体育APP的石棉检测服务可以帮助确认和识别石棉的存在,并确保符合石棉控制法规. 现场或实验室, 我们合格的专家通过测试和样品收集将您的暴露风险降至最低, providing reliable results for safeguarding health and legal compliance. 


What is 石棉检测 and Why Do you Need it?

im体育APP为机构和业主提供全面的石棉测试服务, 纳入初步调查能力,以评估现场石棉的存在和状况, 当现场测试不可行或需要更深入的成分分析时,可以选择现场测试还是实验室取样 . We can identify and quantify all types of asbestos in all types of materials.


As one of the most hazardous materials used in building products, with high public scrutiny and significant legal responsibilities, 确定现场是否有石棉并作出相应的反应是至关重要的. 执行此测试和检查是为了帮助你们符合2012年石棉控制条例(CAR)第4条的要求, 最终, preventing exposure to asbestos on your industrial, 商业, and domestic properties.


Key benefits of 石棉检测

  • In-lab and On-site 测试 -拥有能够在现场和实验室操作测试和取样程序的专家,以满足要求, 彻底的, safe asbestos 测试 can be carried out no matter the location of the sample.
  • A faster, more cost effective solution – im体育APP can provide full end to end asbestos services alongside your 测试. By using a single provider for surveying, 抽样, 测试, 咨询和管理您可以获得全貌,更快地做出明智的决策.
  • 应急响应 – Finding a suitable test partner on a tight turnaround doesn’t have to be difficult, with multiple locations, lab 测试 and good availability our team can support you in an emergency.
  • 满足法规 -我们经验丰富的CoCA-qualified(资质石棉证书)专家根据CAR 2012的国家立法提供所有石棉建议和指导.
  • 维护标准 - Our 测试 and 分析 services are delivered in accordance with HSG248, “The analysts’ guide" for 抽样, 分析, 和通关程序”,并通过UKAS认证的国际标准ISO/IEC 17025. 


Helping you make informed decisions 

Navigating asbestos-related situations can be overwhelming and subject to scrutiny. 我们的专家团队了解这一具有挑战性的环境,并随时准备为您提供信息和支持,以做出明智的决定, prioritizing safety and regulatory compliance. Our experts utilize a combination of on-site and in-lab analyses, comprehensive surveys, 和取样. Depending on your level of knowledge about the asbestos at the site, 我们可以先进行全面调查,或者先进行测试和抽样, 使您能够在所需的详细程度上确认和识别场所内的石棉. im体育APP可以帮助您识别潜在的含石棉材料并评估相关风险. 从那里, we can build a comprehensive picture, delving into the asbestos type, the extent of material degradation, the quantities present and recommendations for any further action that maybe required.


Reduce Risk to yourself and others

Due to its extremely hazardous nature, 建议只有经过培训的人员进行石棉测试或收集可疑的石棉样本.  im体育APP的高素质石棉测量师团队进行全面广泛的石棉调查并收集所需的样品. 我们也提供额外的便利,允许我们的客户自行提交可疑石棉样品到我们的ukas认可的实验室, offering a customized approach to suit your risk 管理 strategy.   及时与我们的团队合作不仅可以减少您和其他人在现场接触的健康和环境风险,还可以减轻与测试和采样过程中的任何不准确相关的潜在合法性风险.  

Your 石棉 Experts



im体育APP’s UK Head of 石棉 im体育APP的专家


im体育APP’s UK 石棉 National Account Manager im体育APP的专家

Our range of 石棉检测 服务s

From initial survey through to 抽样 and 测试, 我们提供全方位的服务,确保对您的场地进行全面的石棉评估和任何材料的彻底分析. im体育APP的合格家庭和现场石棉专家提供本地和高度响应的服务,可以根据您的个人需求量身定制.  


通过我们的石棉调查确定现场石棉的初始存在及其状况. Conducted in accordance with HSG264 “石棉: The survey guide” , our surveys are accredited to ISO/IEC 17020.im体育APP conducts three types of asbestos surveys, depending on your requirements.

  • 管理调查: conducted to comply with duty to manage legislation for building owner/occupants.
  • 翻新及拆卸调查:如有需要进行翻新,须按法例规定进行, 翻新, 或拆除.
  • 复验调查:我们的检查员经过培训,可以安全地采集可疑石棉材料的样品,并将其带回我们的内部实验室进行UKAS认可的石棉散装分析


We offer a range of 测试 methods to assess the presence of asbestos, each adhering to ISO/IEC 17025 standards. 一个方法, 大量的分析, 符合HSG248指南,并确认在给定样品中存在或不存在石棉. 我们也可以提供 石棉空气试验, 哪种方法的目的是在石棉释放到空气中之前确定纤维水平, such as demolition work. 另外,我们的 asbestos 测试 in 土壤 筛选土壤样品中的石棉纤维,并精确地识别和量化它们, 降到0.001%. An additional 测试 path includes water absorption 测试. 我们的吸水测试有助于确定特定材料是否必须在许可或未许可的条件下进行管理. This full spectrum of test types ensures a comprehensive asbestos assessment, which is fully adaptable to your individual site needs.

Via these test methods, we can identify and quantify asbestos types in a range of materials, 包括温石棉, 铁石棉, 青石棉, 透闪石, 阳起石, 和直闪石, covering a range of applications including but not limited to: air, 土壤, 水泥, 蛭石, 绝缘, 地砖, 天花板上的瓷砖.


If the presence of asbestos cannot be confirmed with onsite 测试, our trained field surveyors can bring samples back to the lab. 他们按照符合ISO/IEC 17025标准的HSG248对石棉纤维进行散装样品材料分析. This asbestos sample 测试 confirms the presence or absence of asbestos in a sample.

可疑材料的石棉样品也可以发送到我们UKAS认可的实验室之一. We recommend that only trained individuals collect suspected asbestos samples. 



im体育APP提供全球公认的石棉测试和分析服务,涵盖英国和中东地区的现场和实验室测试. 我们全面的石棉支持套件包括符合ISO/IEC 17025的石棉取样, surveys to ISO IEC 17020, 管理, and advisory services, catering to a diverse range of industrial, 商业, and domestic organizations.

我们的团队 of highly qualified consultants delivers expert guidance, including availability for emergency asbestos 抽样 and 测试, guaranteeing a swift and effective resolution of your asbestos-related risks. 不要犹豫 立即im体育APP to learn more about our end-to-end asbestos 测试 services and support.


石棉 awareness webinar

In the on-demand asbestos awareness webinar, 亚历克斯难的, Technical Specialist at im体育APP, provides an understanding of the characteristics of asbestos, 不同的类型, 使用, and the associated health hazards.


石棉 inspection on a nuclear power plant



我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.