im体育APP的法规遵从性咨询服务提供世界级的策略,使系统遵从性变得简单. 我们的专家在早期阶段提供针对im体育平台app下载的建议和指导,以帮助您缩短时间, 成本, 以及认证前测试产品的频率——主动管理风险,加快产品上市时间.


What are Regulatory Compliance Advisory Services? 

法规遵从性咨询服务指导企业理解和遵守im体育平台app下载法律和标准. They offer expertise from product development to market launch, helping avoid legal issues, minimizing risks, and reducing compliance 成本s. Services include risk assessments, strategy development, 审计, training, and regulatory submissions support.



  • Time and Cost Savings: 与im体育APP的专家合作,您可以利用我们简化的测试协议来优化您的预算, 减少与法规遵从性测试相关的时间和成本.
  • Mitigation: im体育APP的深入知识和前瞻性法规遵循策略有助于将法规遵循失败的风险降至最低, penalties, and missed deadlines, ensuring your product meets all regulatory requirements.
  • Streamlined Process: im体育APP’s tailored approach avoids unnecessary testing, 确保更有效的认证流程,减少产品发布的延迟.
  • Global Market Reach: With im体育APP’s extensive experience and global network, 我们通过有效地驾驭复杂的监管环境,加速您的产品进入国际市场.
  • Guidance from Industry Specialists: 我们聘请的专家为世界上一些最关键的im体育平台app下载提供建议, including medical, 国防, aerospace, 国内, commercial, and industrial products.


Reduce Risk with Early-Stage Regulatory Compliance Advice 

我们的合规咨询服务可根据您的特定im体育平台app下载和产品提供主动的风险缓解策略. Through thorough gap analysis and strategic planning, 我们确保您的产品符合所有必要的标准和认证, safeguarding your investment and reputation. 我们还与设计团队合作,从您的产品概念开始, 构建属性,引导项目远离可避免的测试, compliance, 和审批陷阱-帮助您的产品通过第一次.


Avoid High 测试 Costs and Delays

高测试成本和延迟会使你的预算紧张,并延长你的上市时间, impacting your competitive edge. im体育APP的高效且具有成本效益的测试协议简化了合规过程. 我们的早期遵从性测试和最佳实践建议有助于降低总体测试成本并最大限度地减少延迟. By optimizing your compliance strategy, 我们保证你方的产品可以投放市场,没有不必要的费用或挫折.


Full 产品 Life-Cycle Support


Connected Technologies  Advisory Services

Helping you determine the applicable directives, technical standards, and conformity assessment procedures.

Connected Technologies  测试 Services

From EMC and safety to IoT, cellular and Matter testing, our services ensure connectivity, interoperability and safety.

Connected Technologies Certification Services


Connected Technologies GMA Services
Global Market Access (GMA)


Regulatory and Compliance Advisory Services 

Some of the advisory services we offer include:

  • Compliance Strategy Documents - 我们将您的法规批准要求整合到一个简洁的文件中.
  • Test Plans – working within test requirements and program mandates, 对于如何准备您的产品进行测试,我们提供具体和详细的指导, including modes of operation, specialist software, cables required, 等.
  • Gap Analysis – when a test standard is updated or replaced by a newer version, there is always a dilemma of testing or not. 我们使用差距分析来比较新标准和旧版本, 确定哪些需求发生了变化,以及是否需要进行额外的测试.
  • Technical file compilation or audit 
  • Declaration of Conformity assistance /training 
  • Training - standards, regulations, risk assessments
  • Compliance advice 


Why Choose im体育APP?

With decades of experience, 一个由特定im体育平台app下载合规专家组成的全球团队,拥有完成数千个成功项目的记录, im体育APP具有独特的定位,可以提供关于法规遵从性的无与伦比的指导.

We understand that every project is unique, 这就是我们为您的特殊需求和挑战提供定制解决方案的原因. 无论您是在复杂的监管环境中导航,还是面临紧迫的最后期限, 我们有知识和资源来有效地解决您的问题.

For more information 关于E克莱门特。 or to request a quote, contact an expert today.


Advisory Services Programs


Advisory Services

im体育APP提供全面的咨询服务,帮助指导我们的客户完成复杂的测试环境, inspection, certification, 在开发新材料和新产品时遵守法规.

5G mmWave RF testing

Connected Technologies

im体育APP的测试和认证服务使移动和智能设备制造商能够更快地进入全球市场, where connectivity and interoperability is key.

product certification and approval

产品 Certification and Approvals

im体育APP拥有一支专业的专家团队,在全球各地的办事处提供ISO 17065认证服务.

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Advisory Services for Radio 产品s

im体育APP在您到达测试和批准阶段之前提供有关法规要求的指导, 支持您从开始到结束-我们确保您获得第一次成功.

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Radio 测试

im体育APP提供广泛的无线和无线电测试服务,包括符合法规的射频测试, 射频暴露和SAR评估OTA和无线共存测试.

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EMC 测试

im体育APP是世界上最大的独立EMC测试公司之一. 了解我们在英国、德国、美国和韩国的全面测试能力.

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EMC 测试

Aerospace EMI EMC 测试

最先进的ISO/IEC 17025:2005认证实验室使我们能够测试各种产品,从最小的组件到商用和军用飞机的最大电源管理系统.

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产品 Safety 测试 card 640x480

Electrical 产品 Safety 测试

im体育APP是帮助电气设备制造商的理想合作伙伴, 进口商和分销商获得快速有效的产品安全测试和认证,需要在全球范围内交易他们的产品.

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Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, Australia, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.